Engineers of Fundació i2CAT participated in two presentations at SCEWC 2023

Members of Fundació i2CAT participated in two presentations at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023, held in Barcelona from November 7-9, 2023. The SCEWC is the world’s biggest and most influential event on urban innovation, that connect leaders from the most innovative companies, governments and organizations to move cities towards a better future.
Jordi Marias and Adrian Pino, researchers at the Mobile Wireless Internet area at i2CAT, offer the presentation “Interoperability between Cellular and V2X Networks (802.11p / LTE-PC5) under a Cloud Native Edge Scenario” at the AGORA stand of Barcelona. They present a cloud-native infrastructure architecture for vehicular communications that guarantees the interoperability between cellular technologies (4G/5G), and specific Vehicle-to-Everything V2X communication technologies, such as LTE- PC5 and IEEE 802.11p wireless communications standards. Such interoperability is demonstrated through the implementation of an Edge Infrastructure where a vehicle equipped with one of the aforementioned radio access technologies sends cooperative awareness messages, and such messages are received in vehicles provisioned with different wireless technologies. This technology is being developed within the European research projects Pledger, H2020 Caramel, CODECO and ONOFRE-3.
Daniel Ulied and Estela Carmona, researchers at the Software Networks area at i2CAT, offer the presentation “Enabling Safe Urban Mobility: Vehicular Digital Twin and a Novel Edge-Cloud Orchestration Framework”, where the ONOFRE-3 project has been presented. They explained how integrating sensor data into the digital twin can revolutionise the safety of vulnerable road users by providing them with enhanced V2X visibility in areas prone to collisions. The project uses the CODECO Project framework to create and maintain a Vehicular Digital Twin to improve Vulnerable Road Users VRU safety. Integrating computer vision and V2X enables an up-to-date, real-time digital twin. The digital twin then enables the prediction of collisions with VRUs that are notified through V2X messages. The system will be tested using commercial equipment in the i2CAT facilities.