3rd Plenary Meeting of the Project

On 30th November 2023, the second plenary meeting of the project was held at the I2CAT premises, with representatives from UPCT, UVA, UMU, and I2Cat in attendance. The agenda included a review of the project’s main objectives and tasks, the significant advances made by the four institutions towards these objectives, and a series of technical sessions featuring specific research contributions. The event provided an opportunity to assess the overall progress of the project and to plan the next steps for the final year. Several interesting cooperation opportunities were identified, and expectations for the remaining months are high. The main advances are:
- Development of a new OBU and use of RATs 11p and 5G-NR for network planning and operation.
- Optimization and machine learning for data processing with RAN 11p.
- Implementation of the framework with microservices for resource orchestration.
- Use of PKI-based platforms for OBU security.
- Network management in heterogeneous environments and optimization of RSU deployment.
- Deployment of physical networks and MEC processing nodes for experimental setups.
- Integration of 5G-NR infrastructures in smart campus scenarios.
- Contributions to CCAM/C-ITS applications and development of virtual OBU systems.